Sienne brûlée

“Sienne brûlée”, for clarinet and electronics, is a sound experiment by Tom Gurin that incorporates two video parameters available to users. These parameters are the volume slider (bottom left of the video) and the playback speed (within settings in the bottom right of the video).








Instructions for Playback

Using this page, start all three videos below. Alternatively, open all three videos in different tabs of your desktop browser. Adjust the volume sliders and playback speeds of each of the three videos to create different versions of the composition. Stop adjusting when you are satisfied, or readjust the parameters at any time.

The three parts are:

Sienne brûlée #1

YouTube player

Sienne brûlée #2

YouTube player

Sienne brûlée #3

YouTube player

Author: Tom Gurin

Tom Gurin is an American composer, multimedia artist, and carillonist based in Switzerland. He was a 2023 laureate-resident at the Cité internationale des arts in Paris, and the 2021-2022 recipient of a joint Fulbright-Harriet Hale Woolley Award at the United States Foundation in Paris, where he completed residencies in both music and sculpture. He is a Fellow of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation. A graduate of the Royal Carillon School in Belgium, Gurin served as Duke University Chapel Carillonneur until summer 2021. He studied composition at Yale University, the École Normale de Musique de Paris, and privately with Allain Gaussin. He is currently a master’s student in electronic and multimedia composition at the Haute École de Musique de Genève. Contact him online here.